See Full Testimony Here
Medjugorje is a place that touched my heart in a very profound way. I struggle to find words to describe what God allowed me to experience. All of us encounter from time to time in our lives special moments of deep gratitude that brings tears of joy to our eyes when we have been blessed in a special way. The intensity of these moments often last but a short time yet they always leave a deep imprint of love in our hearts. In Medjugorje, I experienced the love of God in an indescribable and profound way that made every moment of every day I was there unique and special. I can not put into words the love that I have received. God’s love! There are no words available to describe what I witnessed through the abundant outpouring of God’s infinite mercy. I can not wrap my tiny little mind around this love. But I will try.
As I began this beautiful pilgrimage into Our Lady’s Heart the morning of October 8, 2008, I most desired to empty myself of all that prevents me from allowing Christ into my own heart. It was Wednesday morning and our Medjugorje pilgrimage would begin in just a few short hours. My greatest desire as I awoke that morning and prepared to enter into this new era of my conversion was to make a good confession and receive Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. I simply could not begin a pilgrimage into Our Lady’s Heart without having first done this.
Yet this pilgrimage had not begun the day of our departure but the moment I was told that Our Lady desires for me to come to Medjugorje and that indeed I would be going! And it was in that moment that I realized I was about to take yet another step towards Christ in my own journey of conversion.
I would experience great phenomenon, witness many miracles and receive an abundant outpouring of powerful graces! I watched the sun spin and do marvelous things for the first time in my life. The first day in Medjugorje I watched as a unique cloud formation just above St. James parish turn completely into the shape of Our Lady. I was amazed at how bundles of Rosaries thrown together into a bag would never get tangled with each other at any time, but that you could always pull a single Rosary away from it’s stash with great ease.
But the greatest miracles of all that I witnessed were the continual transformations in conversion among pilgrims arriving.. some with skepticism in their hearts and yet days later leaving with a complete and utter joy of the Lord. To watch a young person who had never really experienced faith or had never really participated in any form of prayer arrive with seeds of doubt in their hearts and by day two eagerly participate in the recitation of the Rosary or be the first to speak up and say, “Hey! What’s this ‘Adoration’? Can we check it out?” and then see them in awe and reverence for God was just amazing! Or to see a pilgrim one moment show no interest in going to confession and the next minute stop suddenly in conversation to say, “I’ll see you later on! I need to go find a priest!” and watch them walk away and go stand in the confession lines for the very first time in many years simply brought tears to my eyes! These were the greatest miracles I witnessed! The conversions! And they are plentiful and abundant in Medjugorje!