See Full Testimony Here
"Dear children! Today I call you to look into your hearts sincerely and for a long time. What will you see in them? Where is my Son in them and where is the desire to follow me to Him? Children, may this time of renunciation be a time when you will ask yourself: 'What does my God desire of me personally? What am I to do?' Pray, fast and have a heart full of mercy. Do not forget your shepherds. Pray that they may not get lost, that they may remain in my Son so as to be good shepherds to their flock." Our Lady to Mirjana, March 18, 2009
Our Lady looked at all those present and added: "Again I say to you, if you knew how much I love you, you would cry with happiness. Thank you."
I remember the first day I met Fr. Beaune.. This would have been about a week after my conversion journey began.. I had assumed our meeting would last perhaps no more than 15 or 20 minutes, maybe 30 at the most, considering that most priest's now a days are so busy they barely have time to keep up with all the phone calls coming in from Parishioners needing prayers, needing advice, needing consolation.. Well, our first visit lasted from about 1:30 in the afternoon until about 4:00pm.. And by no means was this because he was not a busy priest. Even in his retirement, so many in the faith community continually kept Fr. Beaune busy tending to our needs.
Fr. Beaune greeted me at the door with a warm smile and a firm handshake when I arrived.. He had me take a seat in the lounge to wait a few minutes while he tended to a phone call.. And at 80 years old and retired many parishioners still kept him quite busy seeking spiritual direction.. The Basilian priests for many years oversaw affairs at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish as well as the many surrounding facilities associated with the Parish near the University of Windsor such as Assumption High School or Assumption College.. A lot has changed over the years in terms of administrative power however some of the properties still remain within the diocese and under the care of the Basilian Fathers. At the time of our meeting Fr. Beaune was living with two other retired priests at the Basilian Fathers residence located in the north wing of Assumption High School.
Fr. Beaune is a very sweet man deeply loved and respected by his Parish community and all those who have come to know this gentle man throughout the years in the Windsor and surrounding region. He taught for many years at Assumption High School.. Today, he enjoys his prayer groups. I think he attends three or four a week.. Faithfully every year he celebrates midnight Mass on New Years Eve.. He has an extremely deep devotion to Our Blessed mother and is a firm believer and advocate of the Medjugorje message.. Fr. Beaune is in his mid 80s today.. he is diabetic and watches his diet carefully, however unfortunately suffered a stroke about two years ago, shortly after he and I returned from visiting our forum friend Katie (Katerit28) who had arranged to take us to visit the man named Francis who had the stigmata for many years and who lived in her hometown.
Soon, Fr. Beaune returned to the room, took a seat and we began to talk. I remember him thumbing a Rosary in his hand.. Something I would later come to know as a sacramental spiritual weapon very close to his heart.. At some moment in the middle of our sharing I asked, "Father, I just went to confession a few days ago, am I still allowed to go again this soon if I want to make another confession?" Father replied, "Of course you can. You can go everyday if you feel the need..” Adding, “It is believed that Pope John Paul II goes to confession everyday.. " :) So I knelt down and made another confession for the second time in one week.. Well, actually, a third time including the first one I botched..
And it was on this very same day that I was introduced to new prayer called the Divine Mercy Chaplet.. :) Well, new to me anyways.. The Divine Mercy message given to St. Faustina by Jesus during the 1930s as Jesus had indicated that it would be, was banned by the Church for many years up until Pope John Paul II the ‘Spark from Poland’ came along.. Being a firm believer in the Divine Mercy message long before the Church was even willing to recognize not only it’s validity but it’s tremendous vital importance especially in these often dire times, though never disobeying the Church but simply waiting patiently in faith until the moment that the truth would finally come to light, Fr. Beaune was instrumental in bringing the Divine Mercy Chaplet to our local area many years ago. He was in attendance during both St. Faustina’s Beatification on April 18, 1993, and her Canonization on April 30, 2000.. I would not doubt those who have come to know the Divine Mercy Chaplet and it’s message over the years through Fr. Beaune more than likely literally number in the thousands..
I asked Fr Beaune that day if he would consider being my spiritual director of which after a moment of quiet reflection he opened his eyes and looked up at me with a smile and said, “Yes.” Unbeknown to me in that moment not only had I just obtain a spiritual director but I had also just made a very genuine friend and confidant for life.. Someone who would be honest with me.. Who would tell me when I was in error yet also encourage me no matter how difficult the trials that lay ahead to pick myself up and carry on through the merciful grace of Our Lord.. Someone who would help guide me along the way of Christ scripturally according to Church Doctrine and tenderly according to Our Lady’s messages.. Someone who would also encourage me in my own personal relationship to behold Mother Mary, the Mother of Christ, who becomes my heavenly Mother.. Someone who would always steer me back towards the path of righteousness no matter how wrong I had become through the Sacrament of Confession and the proper guidance to amend my life.. Yes, someone I could confide in, who I could share my deepest struggles and shortcomings with and never ever feel judged no matter how embarrassing or humbling they were to talk about.. Yes, I had met someone who would be as Christ in the flesh to me to show me the way towards salvation..