See Full Testimony Here
"Dear children! You are a chosen people and God has given you great graces. You are not conscious of every message which I am giving you. Now I just want to say - pray, pray, pray! I don't know what else to tell you because I love you and I want you to comprehend my love and God's love through prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call."
Our Lady of Medjugorje, November 15, 1984
It’s been a few months now since breathing the fresh Medjugorje air every morning, walking the dirt paths between Podbrdo and St. James Church.. passing the local merchant vendors and smiling to them along the way.. It's been a while since stopping by for a morning coffee at Victors mingling with the many pilgrims from various places around the world…. It seems so long ago that I stood patiently waiting outside the side doors of the Parish with many other pilgrims waiting for the German Mass to end so that we could all make our way in and get settled before the English Mass would begin. I must say, I really miss Medjugorje right about now! My heart yearns to be there again..
Anyone who has ever been to Medjugorje and has experienced the indescribable peace you feel when you are there knows exactly what I’m talking about. It’s understandable why so many pilgrims ask Our Lady to make it possible for them to return again. I’ve been to Medjugorje twice now. I hope it’s not my last.. Well, I’ve asked Our Lady for a third visit. And to be honest I keep getting these subtle signs that She wants me to return in March with the same Canadian group I had went with the first time. I am supposed to meet with Fr. Mike in the coming days. He has been going with this same group steady now for over twenty years. I will bring the possibility of me returning to Medjugorje in March up with him next week when we meet.
It’s early Saturday morning, about 7:30am and I’ve gone for a walk up the street from Mirjana’s into Bijacovici, the little village that sits at the foot of Apparition Hill.. This little village nearby Mirjana’s home was very busy this morning unlike during the weekdays. Many of the locals meet together in the café’s for coffee on Saturday mornings and gather along the main road visiting one another.. It’s actually a busy little village on Saturdays.. Bijacovici is very tiny.. It’s just a little hamlet at the foot of Apparition Hill with a string of Rosary shops and a few café’s much like Medjugorje only much smaller .. Perhaps it can be likened as a sort of suburb of Medjugorje.. It’s it’s own little village separate from Medjugorje and literally just a stones throw away! It takes maybe about 15 to 20 minutes to walk from the center of Bijacovici to the center of Medjugorje, both villages separated by only a few small fields and vineyards.. Yet, it’s really it’s own place..
I headed to the Church around 9:00am to get prepared for the music I am to play during the English morning Mass.. People had been complaining yesterday that they could not really hear the piano too well again, so today I turned the volume up just a little more.. The choir could hear me a little better but then after mass others were still saying they could not hear me very well.. When it comes to the choir I don’t like standing out.. Never have.. I always like to be subtle and in the background, but the thing is, if there is piano everyone wants to hear it.. Yet my insecurity tells me to keep a low profile.. Tomorrow is Sunday and Mass will be up on Cross Mountain because we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Cross .. Bluecross stood behind me during Mass today and snapped a few of me playing piano..
The weather has looked ominous all morning.. the skies have been very dark in the distance as if a storm is brewing over the horizon.. But as the day draws on it’s a storm that just never arrives.. It seems to be holding off from crossing over Medjugorje.. As if Our Lady is holding it back from coming at us.. I have been praying for the pilgrims who are on the Hills today as I am sure many are.. Climbing the hills is extremely treacherous and dangerous when it rains because the rocks have become quite polished over the years from pilgrims climbing everyday.. Saturday is a very busy day on the hills.. So I am sure Our Lady is answering our prayers by keeping the rain away..
We gathered for lunch today at 1:00pm.. I had forgotten all about Mirjana being due home today.. It was today at lunch that we finally got to meet Mirjana.. I entered the house and into the basement where everyone was gathering for lunch and suddenly there was Mirjana right there in front of me.. about 3 feet away.. lol.. Barb saw the look on my face as I entered the room and says to me with a smile, “Mirjana’s here!”
Well, I took a seat with the other pilgrims and here comes Mirjana in and out of the kitchen serving everyone.. She served us lunch with a big smile and she took really good care of us.. She kept saying “thank you” over and over to all of us gathered one by one as she served each of us.. Gosh she was so good to us! Mirjana has this radiant beautiful smile that just gives off this indescribable peace.. After lunch, as you can see in the picture Mirjana brought out a beautiful birthday cake for two of our pilgrims Mike & Jim..
There is nothing overly fancy about Medjugorje.. But everything is done very nice and with great heartfelt care.. You know, we’ve heard all the complaints before by Medjugorje critics who try to disprove that the apparitions are real.. Of such claims it’s been said that the visionaries live like kings.. That they live in mansions.. Well, these critics really need to go see things for themselves first hand before they wage such accusations because there isn’t an ounce of truth to such rumors… Mirjana and her family live in a home.. Not a mansion but a home.. Not a house, but a “home”.. And a very warm and caring home at that.. Their home is extended to accommodate for the continual flow of pilgrims they invite into their homes.. That is where the “they live in mansions” accusation originates from.. Because their homes have several bedrooms to accommodate for the pilgrims.. Well, the truth is, Mario & Mirjana and their daughter live in a small portion of the house that is private to them.. It is probably no bigger than a typical two bedroom apartment.. The rest of the house is to accommodate for the up to 33 pilgrims they may have staying in their home at any given time.. Ivan and Jacob live pretty much across the street and it is the same situation in their homes as well..
Mirjana is a typical wife and mom except for one thing.. I think I can honestly say that I’ve never met a woman as peaceful and prayerful as her.. I’m sure that this can be said about all 6 of the Medjugorje visionaries.. Mirjana is very approachable while staying at her home.. Mario is as well.. You know, I’m kind of kicking myself today for passing up on an opportunity to play a little ping pong with Mario.. lol.. All the pilgrims were out one afternoon so no one was really around at Mirjana’s.. I had returned to the house to retrieve batteries for my camera and when I came out of the house Mario and another man were playing ping pong at the ping pong table out in the driveway.. I stopped for a moment to watch and Mario says, “How is Mr. Canada doing today?” lol.. So we talked for a few moments while the two played, and then I headed back into Medjugorje to catch up with some of the pilgrims.. I got about half way from Mirjana’s to Medjugorje and it suddenly struck me! I should have asked if I could play the winner of the two.. lol.. But then, I thought maybe that would have been infringing on their family quality time… I have a feeling they would have said yes though.. They’re just very friendly “salt of the earth” people..
Around 3:30 in the afternoon, many of us in our group gathered out front Mirjana’s to take cabs to Mother’s Village.. Mothers Village is a Franciscan run orphanage founded by the late Fr. Slavco Barbaric.. It is located about 2 miles to the East of Medjugorje..
When we arrived we entered the Chapel and the other two priests in our group who are with us on this pilgrimage Fr. Rafael & Fr. Cesar both from Oregon celebrated Mass.. Funny thing! When we all began to enter the little Chapel Miki Musa spotted a baby grand piano in one corner and chanting “Oh Johnnie-boy! Look Johnnie-boy! There’s a piano!” quickly walked over to it to get it ready for me to provide music during Mass.. But unfortunately it was under lock and key.. whew! Off the hook! Enough of being put on the spot you guys.. lol..
Anyways, after Mass, we visited the gift shop.. All proceeds of course go to support the orphans who live at Mother’s Village.. There is a lot of hand made Rosaries and other cute little souvenirs in their gift shop I believe that are made by some of the kids here.. Terry had brought a suitcase full of donations; toothpaste, soaps, and such to help contribute to their daily needs and we handed it over to Fr. Svet…
Outside, there were many children playing skip, soccer, and other games on the grounds.. I must say, these children look so happy.. As if never scarred by the traumas of war and other tragedies that have brought them to live here at Mother’s village.. God love them! I think back about my own childhood and how blessed I am to have grown up in the loving care of both my parents who were always there for me when I needed them..
Next to the village is a large wooded park called St. Francis Park.. It has a small petting zoo as well.. We didn’t go in there as we were not even sure if it was open.. There didn’t seem to be anyone around at the moment.. I met up with Jim from our group and as we were sitting together talking Fr. Svet came along the way and stopped for a moment to greet us.. When we mentioned that we were with Fr. Rookey he asked if he could bring a young lady with a brain tumor to Fr. Rookey to have him pray over her.. So Fr. Svet brought the young lady who helps out here at Mother’s village to Fr. Rookey and he prayed over her..