See Full Testimony Here
Soon we arrived safely in Vienna. Our stop over there before departing on another plane to Sarajevo would be a long one.. About 5 hours. One does not rest well in an airport terminal no matter how fatigued we may feel. Many of us were a bit fatigued yet at the same time we were extremely hyped! This was very exciting for all of us! Especially the youth and those who had never made such a pilgrimage! So our long wait became one of casual socializing and getting to know one another in our pilgrim group.
Within the first hour of our arrival it became known that not everyone was together with our group. The two Alex’s, two of our youth had decided to go sight seeing around Vienna.. though we were asked to stay together and not venture off this was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity they just couldn’t pass up! So those of us who became aware that they had strayed from the group kept them in our prayers that they would safely return in time to board the appropriate flight.. and they did in plenty of time to board our flight! And though they may have taken a risk with their decision to leave the airport it certainly comes with no regrets! Judging by the pictures they took while on their adventure Vienna is certainly a sight to behold! “Vienna sure has a lot of Cathedrals!” They would comment when they returned.
We arrived in Sarajevo in the early afternoon Thursday. Off to the side of the runway as we taxied in towards the terminal were about a half dozen burnt vehicles scattered along the airport field, remnants of a horrible war that could have been prevented had Our Lady’s call to reconcile with one another been heeded from the beginning. I felt sad for what I saw. I simply bowed my head in a moment of prayer for those who were victims during that time of trial and tribulation.
From Sarajevo we boarded a bus that would take us to Mostar. In Mostar we would make a special stop at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish to celebrate Mass. The Parish that is home to Draga who was our wonderful tour guide. Draga grew up with the visionaries. She played along with them as a child. And so she had lot’s of interesting stories to tell us. Her calling was to assist pilgrims as they come to Medjugorje.
We arrived in Medjugorje shortly before 8:00pm Thursday evening. We would stay at Nada’s Pansion just a short walk from St. James Parish. Many local families have opened the doors of their homes to the many pilgrims travelling to Medjugorje. We were well taken care of during our stay! Breakfast was served every morning around 7:30am.. and then again around 8:00pm we would gather in the main dining room to share in a beautiful meal together. And lunch of course if we were there but in most cases we were always out and about during the entire day. Nada always keeps a table in the dining room full of homemade snack, water and juice that is available day and night. So even if you awake at 2 in the morning hungry you could come to this table full of treats.. and she always welcomed John-boy with a smile into her kitchen to make a cup of coffee at any time..
During the journey from Mostar to Medjugorje I continued to pray silently as I admired the view out the bus window. The final moments were very exciting and my heart was anxious! Anxious to see in real life all the beautiful pictures I have gazed upon day after day in my conversion. Most of them courtesy of our brother Bluecross over the past few years!
A million questions came to mind! What would this whole experience be like? Oh I can’t wait to see St. James Parish! Or Apparition Hill! Or Cross Mountain! Or the visionaries! Will I see any of the visionaries? Will my life be transformed forever? Will I learn to love more? Will I learn to surrender to God more? Will I come away from here healed of my addictions? A new man?! And what about Malena and Bluecross and Bob McCall? Will I actually get to meet them?
Within a few minutes of arriving at Nada’s Thursday evening as we began to carry in all our luggage I was greeted with hugs at the front door of her Pansion. It was Malena and her daughter! What a warm and wonderful welcome! “Where’s Bluecross?” I asked as we embraced. But it was not time yet. Bluecross and I would meet at another moment under Our Lady’s Mantle.
Soon, Malena and her daughter left for the evening and I returned inside the house to join the others for our first sit down meal at Nada’s. Baked breaded chicken and French fries to my surprise! I had this vision of eating a lot of perogi’s and sauerkraut while in Europe.. Still, chicken and fries worked! Certainly a beautiful meal nevertheless! The food was awesome!
As fatigued as all of us were very few of us wanted to sleep. How could we sleep? We just arrived at the worlds entrance to heaven! The younger ones wanted to take a walk to the Risen Christ statue. So I joined them. Fr. Mike had asked that I try and stick with the younger ones during the pilgrimage to help keep them in a good direction. But I must say! There wasn’t any real need to chaperone. These kids were amazing! I say ‘kids’ but actually they are young adults in their early twenties. And to be honest John-boy just really enjoyed watching them grow in faith. It was awesome to watch them trying to absorb everything they were experiencing! This was a gift for me! As I also rediscovered a part of my own youth in accompanying the younger ones during this pilgrimage.
So off to the Risen Christ statue it was! But there was a special stop we were to make along the way I had not anticipated. We walked a path from the main street and were suddenly to my utter surprise on the Parish grounds. I stopped and stared for a few moments at St. James Church now towering within a hundred feet ahead of me and marveled at it’s beauty! It was then that I felt as if I were home! I can’t describe the warmth I felt in my heart! I just can’t put it into words! I’ve seen this building a thousand times in pictures! I’ve visited this Parish as many times in my thoughts! And here I was! Standing before the presence of God in a very special way I would have never in a million years thought possible! But who am I Lord that I should receive.. I was humbled! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Mother Mary!
And from the Church we began to walk around to the back of the property where we would find a beautiful illuminated path that would lead us right to the Risen Christ Statue. We gathered around Jesus. We prayed within the silence of our hearts. It was there before the Risen Christ that I began to entrust my family, each one by name.. and then I began to entrust my friends. Those associated with Don Bosco Home.. Our youth.. those in the choir I am in.. those in my prayer groups.. those I encounter in my line of work.. those who come to this beautiful forum.. name by name prayers began to pour out of my heart.. those I grew up with who I have not seen in years.. those who through my own stubbornness I became enemies with in the past.. those who have gone before me that they may rest in eternal peace.. my family, my friends, my enemies alike.. this outpouring of pleas towards heaven for those who have touched me deeply in life would continue throughout the coming days.. name by name I would carry my family and my friends, my enemies, and finally the entire world and all of humanity with me in my heart. This was truly a cleansing for me! Especially praying for my enemies.. for those I may have felt resentment for in the past at one time or another.. And I received many wonderful graces! Thank You Jesus for bringing every soul into my life who I have ever met! Thank You for giving me brothers and sisters throughout the world to be close to me and to share and celebrate life with me! I have nothing to offer but my own sinfulness.. yet You pour over me an abundance of gifts! Thank You Lord!